Thursday, December 29, 2011


I had a great christmas! It was awesome. But after christmas, well, its all downhill from there. I hate winter time! every time winter comes i get some kind of sickness. I think last year i got the flu. But I'm serious i hate it when its cold outside! So now I have some kind of weird epically BAD cold....... I hate it!!! "But i love my tissues!" they are like a silk blanket! lol! random. But my point....... Me and dad both have a terrible cold! Every time I try to talk I cough. And every time I sniff something I sneeze! So I cant smell anything! It would be nice to have prayers from everyone for me and my dad and Trey, my nephew! and I'm frustrated at the same time, my stupid blog wont even load my back round i am trying to get on my page! I just feel...... Arghhh.......... ACHOO!! rahhhhghghgh

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Holy Moly!

Ok so i have not been here since last years december. So i am very surprized. Lol today i havent done much, just hanged out with christopher♥ and jakelynn<- bff and we didnt do much. lol i had to clean my room! :P so like imma go! cya